Data Protection

OpenAX comply fully with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Anti-Money Laundering Act – Act No. 253/2008 Coll, which protects customers against the misuse of personal data held across both manual and electronic records.

The Act requires that any personal data held should be:

  1. Processed fairly and lawfully

  2. Obtained and processed only for specified and lawful purposes

  3. Accurate and up-to-date

  4. Held securely and for no longer than is necessary

  5. Not transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area unless there is an adequate level of data protection in that country.

Purposes for which Personal Data may be held

Personal data relating to customers may be collected primarily for the purposes of:

  1. Setting up an account

  2. Recording of communication with customers

  3. Compliance with legislation

OpenAX considers that the following personal data falls within the categories set out above:

  1. Personal details including name, address, age and status.

  2. Notes and telephone recordings of discussions between OpenAX staff and the customer

  3. Bank/building society details.

In entering into our Agreement you will be providing us with personal information within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1998. You consent to us processing all such information for the purposes of performing this Agreement and also for the purposes of administering the relationship between you and us, we may use and/or disclose such information to any of our Associates for sales and marketing purposes unless you notify your objection to this in writing.

The Company will review the nature of the information being collected and held on an annual basis to ensure there is a sound business reason for requiring the information to be retained.

Responsibility data

The Company appoints a Data Controller who takes responsibility for ensuring all personal data is controlled in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Employees of OpenAX who have access to customer data are vetted and must comply with this policy and adhere to the procedures laid down by the Data Controller.

Use of Personal Data

To ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in the interests of privacy, customer confidence and good customer relations, the disclosure and use of information held by the Company is governed by UK legislation.

This is a UK independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

We understand that data is the lifeblood of most companies today and organizations increasingly require 100% uptime, where data is constantly online and accessible. We have therefore implemented solid solutions that allows you to protect your data in the unfortunate event of software malfunction, system failure, events of loss of data due to hacking or viruses etc.

RAID Technology

We use cutting-edge RAID Hardware to protect all data on the server against hard disk failures. This technology works by creating a mirror of all data on more than one hard disk automatically, without any delay i.e. all data is written to multiple hard disks simultanously so that if any hard disk fails, that hard disk will be marked as deactivated and the system will still continue to function as though nothing has happened by using the copy of the data on the other hard disk(s). The best part is that you do not require to make any changes or special code modifications in your website/web application for this technology to function.

RAID systems offer a significant advantage over non-RAID systems, both in terms of data protection and ability to maintain 100% uptime, as the system continues to function perfectly in case of disk failures. RAID technology also marginally improves the performance of the various services on the server.

As soon as a hard disk fails, notification alerts are sent out, so that the failed hard disk can be replaced by the system administrators. As such, the system continues to perform normally despite disk failures, using the mirror of the data on the additional hard disk(s).

Daily and Weekly Server Backups

Important data exists across various locations on a server. Our subject-matter experts have conducted comprehensive research and have prepared complex backup scripts that automatically maintain copies of all important files and folders, in a secure manner, on a regular pre-defined interval, such that we can restore a server in the shortest possible time, in the event of a total failure.

Your Own Backup Policy Manager (Only Applicable for Web Hosting Packages) - All our services involve your critical data. Most of our Products have a built-in Backup Manager that provides comprehensive and cost effective protection by allowing you to define highly flexible backup policies that will protect your critical data. A web-based backup policy manager provides an easy-to-use one-step wizard to define the backup scope, backup frequency and backlogs.

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